Linda Arndt ~ Canine Nutritional Consultant

Newborn Puppies with Diarrhea


Diarrhea in newborns (1- 4 weeks old) can be frightening and deadly so consult with a vet immediately. Some loose stool can be due to over feeding, if you are bottle feeding as well as the mom, and it can be due to a diet too rich for the puppies causing "rapid transit stools". This can happen with goats milk. If your vet determines it is an infection they will be put on Amoxicillin antibiotic drops . In addition there are two things you can do to help with this situation.

You need: Ox-E-Drops and BacPakPlus probiotics

Hopefully you have read my other article on whelping and weaning ahead of time so you are prepared and have these two products on hand.

FIRST: With loose stools try to see if just using the BacPakPlus probiotics alone will hello with the stools. Do this by mixing a little probiotics in the palm of your clean hand and addig in a little room temp distilled/bottled water - made into a little paste and wiped on their tongues AM and PM to get the flora of the gut starting to kick into gear and help with digestion.

If that does not make a difference soon enough, then you may need to use Ox-E-Drops.

Ox-E-Drops Internally:
  1. Take a syringe with no needle and pull up 2 CC of slightly warmed distilled water in it.

  2. Put 1 drop of Ox-E-Drops in it, then very slowly give it to the puppy making she they drink it and it does not get into her lungs. We do not want **aspiration pneumonia so it is important to let it kind of drizzle into her month.

  3. As long as the puppy is not exhibiting any serious bloated/diarrhea problems, you can do this twice a day and it will be fine. Ox-E-Drops will not conflict with her Amoxicillin nor the BacPakPlus.

In Serious Situations:

If by some chance the puppy does start with bad loose stools, you can give the diluted Ox-E-Drops (see above) internally once every 90 minutes - 4 times a day until the puppy improves.

Again - After each dose, mix a little BacPakPlus probiotics in the palm of your hand (clean hand) and mix with a little water to make a paste and place on the puppies tongue to help reestablish the gut with intestinal flora.


If they gets bad bloating and repeated diarrhea you can give Ox-E-Drops internally as stated above but you can also give them an enema.

Pull up 4 CC of warm distilled water and add 1 -2 drops of Ox-EDrops and give them an enema/colonic.

After the enema, wait 20-30 minutes and take a healthy pinch of BacPakPlus and dissolve in 4 CC of slightly warmed water, pull up into the syringe (no needle) and give an enema with it to establish flora in the lower gut.

ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA - Instructions from Biopet Nzymes Website

Puppies with Aspiration Pneumonia can be given Ox-E-Drops internally 3 times a day and diluted as stated above (always diluted in water), as well as in a vaporizer.

FOR RESPIRATORY CONDITIONS (i.e., pneumonia, Dog Flu, congestion, breathing disorders, kennel cough, sneezing, asthma, bronchitis, wheezing, bacterial infections). -


USING A VAPORIZER: Mix 30 drops of Ox-E-Drops Concentrate with one (1) gallon of water in a gallon vaporizer.

Nebulizer Use: Mix 7-8 DROPS of Ox-E-Drops Concentrate with each OUNCE of water in the nebulizer reservoir (reservoirs usually hold 2 ounces).

Directions for Pets:

Place the pet in a enclosed area like a small area like a flight kennel or small cage with the vaporizer near. Cover with a towel to make a tent so the vapors are directed toward area where the pet can inhale them. (avoid hot steam near their nose or face). Allow the pet to breathe the vapors for 15-20 minutes of EACH HOUR for a period of 4-5 hours. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

TO ORDER: Ox-E-Drops and BacPakPlus probiotics

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