Linda Arndt ~ Canine Nutritional Consultant


Dr. Ott's Oxygen Therapy or OTT will be available for sale at starting September 1, 2009 - Call for information 1-765-284-8288

Dr. Ott's Oxygen (02) Treatment Therapy
Health's Least Common Denominator

CAUTION!! This product, in its separate and concentrated form is corrosive (alkaline) as well as highly acidic. USE WITH CARE - Immediately dilute any spillage with water and clean it up immediately.


The Dr. Ott's Oxygen (02) Treatment Therapy (OTT) is based on the ground breaking research work of Otto Warburg, Dr. William Koch, Dr. Linus Pauling and numerous others. Half a century of research has proven what should be quite readily apparent: Oxygen is the single most important vital nutrient for the individual mammalian cell. Research has also conclusively proven that when cells, tissues and thus various organs of the body register low oxygen levels, chronic degenerative DISEASE conditions such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, arthritis and cancer routinely develop. Unless and until OXYGEN electrons are made available to the cells, these "incurable" conditions will never reverse. Therefore, pure OXYGEN is health's least common denominator.

The oxygen mineral therapy is composed of two 0.5 oz liquid products, a concentrated MINERAL REAGEN (REAGENT) and a concentrated ACTIVATOR. When the two products are combined, a complex bio-chemical reaction occurs that produces a third, and separate
compound called hypochlorous acid, (HCLa) and a powerful, yet unstable (it only is bio-active for one hour) oxygenating substance called Glyoxilide. HCLa and Glyoxilide are primarily composed of pure, liquid oxygen (dioxide) ions, and are completely safe to consume. These are nothing but ALL-NATURAL NUTRIENTS that the body MUST HAVE DAILY.

A defiecency in hypochlorous acid, for instance is actually described medically by the term myeloperroxidase deficiency, but most family doctors have never even heard of, much less diagnosed, this very serious condition. ALL indivudals suffering from chronic and debilitating disease states have this condition, and don't know it. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE BODY TO HEAL NATURALLY WITHOUT ADEQUATE HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and the OTT protocol delivers this amazing nutrient plus Glyoxilide in rich abundance.

When HCLa is held under the tongue, then slowly swallowed, this unique and powerful
liquid oxygen compound immediately binds to the body's red blood cells in the form of
negatively charged dioxide ions that are literally LOADED with free electrons. These
dioxide ions powerfully 'oxidize' all anerobic, positively charged cells such as viruses, heavy metals such as mercury, bacteria, molds, parasites, and of course mutated cancer cells which also carry a positive electric charge (i.e. they are missing electrons), The OTT protocol is also a very effictive antidote to carbon monoxide poisoning.

RECOMMENDED HUMAN USAGE (see below for Canine Dosage)



> Begin with just 1 DROP of Reagent combined with 1 DROP of Activator taken 1-2 times daily.

> Use a small glass, such as a shot glass, and begin with a 5 drops of DISTILLED water, then add the drops of Reagent and Activator.

>Swirl together, then wait 3 minutes for the chemical reaction to finish.

> Add approximately 30 ml (i.e. 2 tablespoons) of distilled water, then hold in the mouth and under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.

Whithin minutes, most people feel the dioxide ion activity, which often comes via a
rush of energy and "well being".

>Increase the dose by a single drop each day until you reach the maximum recommeded dose of 14:14 in two weeks

This maximum dose should only be used long-term if you are working to permanently reverse a chronic disease condition, and it can be taken up to 3 times daily, (once the body eliminates the waste products). When your immune system is balanced and
strong, it is recommended to drop back to the maintenance dose of 4-6 drops daily.


> start with 1 drop of Reagent & 1 drop of Activator and increase 1 drop daily until you have reached the maintenance dose of 4-6 drops daily.

Even the 'healthiest" body has a certain amount of toxins stored in the cells. When the
dioxide ions oxidize the body's pathogens, the waste material created must leave the body typically through the bowels and urine. Whether chronically ill or 'healthy" - it is NORMAL to experience detoxification symptons (Herxheimer reaction).

As toxins are oxidized, it is common to experience mild to severe flu-like symptoms including headache, muscle pain, nausea and diarrhea. If these symptoms become too severe, just drop the dosage back a few drops until they subside. Don't worry, these symtons are usually short in duration (8 -72 hours).


DO NOT USE: Keep in mind that there are three things that must be avoided when taking OTT. White, refined SUGAR absorbs oxygen molecules including hypochlorous dioxide upon contact. Also avoid all CAFFEINATED and CARBONATED BEVERAGES, as well as ALCOHOL while taking the OTT. Remember, these products rob the cells and tissues of OXYGEN- while the OTT is powefully PROVIDING essential oxygen ions.

Dr. Ott's Oxygen (02) Treatment Therapy - A Summary

To fully understand the incredible function ofthe 02 Therapy Supplement in the human
body, the practitioner, health care professional, and/or inquisitive lay person needs to
familiarize themselves with the functions of a cellular enzyme called Myeloperoxidase
(aka MPO for short), as well as the functions of hypochlorous acid (HClO).

In the early 1920's, Dr, William F. Koch discovered that all disease states are merely different manifestations of OXYGEN DEFICIENCIES at the cellular level. He called these oxygen deficiencies the "Least Common Denominator" in maintaining good health, which is of course synonymous with PREVENTING disease states from forming in the first place. Therefore, proper oxygenation via all-natural mineral precursors should be the first and primary goal of cellular nutrition advocates as well.

As a gifted bio-chemist, Dr. Koch discovered that combining certain carbonyl-group mineral elements in vitro quickly produced a unique form of hypochlorous acid that he named glyoxilide". I submit he named this catalyst glyoxilide because when it came in contact with the carbons in GLUCOSE (aka blood sugar) in vivo (in the body) - massive amounts of singlet, negatively charged oxygen molecules were produced. In turn, these oxygen molecules proved to be highly effective in eliminating anaerobic pathogens (harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) from the body in a completely safe, non- obtrusive and effective manner.

In 1925, Dr. Edward Carl Rosenow (who spent over 60 years conducting research at the
Mayo Clinic) not only discovered that rheumatic fever was caused by a streptococcus germ - but that there are literally millions of tiny micro-organisms continually living and colonizing in the human body. Each different strain of "bug" causes different problems and health challenges. Some colonize in the hair and scalp resulting in dandruff. Others colonize in the mouth causing cavities and gum diseases.

Dr. Rosenow found that individuals with compromised immune systems were, consistently low in blood oxygen. In turn, these microscopic critters would proliferate and be free to do such nasty things as:

1) consume the cartilage and sulfur of the joints causing painful rheumatoid arthritis

2) excrete waste material in the form of electron- deficient calcium that hardens bones and makes them brittle - and when lodged in the liver and kidneys would form stones

3) colonize in the lining ofthe heart arteries, leaving their excrement on the walls of the arteries in the form of plaque

4) colonize in the Central Nervous System (CNS) of the spinal column and brain, making meals of the myelin sheath nerve coatings thus short-circuiting the central computer of the brain
resulting in conditions such as ALS, MS, ADHD and Alzheimer's

5) attack individual cells and enter the cellular membrane, eventually building cocoons around the DNA-damaged cell; cutting off the oxygen-carrying blood so that the cell can only live and function as part of a cancerous tumor.

Thus, it is safe to say that disruption of the ability of the cells to produce MPO, HCIO and 'glyoxilide" results in low oxygen levels, which in turn eventually forms a DISEASE STATE.

Dr. Koch quickly learned that such a simple formula providing powerful, life-giving OXYGEN to the cell would not only prevent disease states from forming, but had the strong potential to REVERSE so-called "incurable" disease states as well. So, like any honest medical professional, Dr. Koch proceeded to test his research and theory - and the results were immediate and dramatic to say the least. Cancer tumors shrunk and disappeared, diabetes mellitus vanished, mental disorders reversed, and viral plagues were eliminated. (See

In simple, honest words, the OTT (02 Therapy Supplement) produces the mineral catalyst that Dr. Koch named "glyoxilide", When taken as instructed, the OTT mineral catalyst is completely non-toxic and safe. When the catalyst is absorbed into the bloodstream and encounters carbon/glucose molecules, large amounts of OXYGEN is indeed created, and harmful NITROGEN is reduced. In turn, the free oxygen destroys anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites the way NATURE intended - through the mechanism of OXIDATION in much the same way as OZONE IN WATER destroys the same harmful pathogens.

To Order OTT drops :


Dosages: I recommend with pets that you mix this up then add to canned meat because it does not taste all that good.

Small Breeds: 1 drop Mineral Reagent + 1 drop Activator in the AM and PM working up to a maximum of 4 drops a day. If trying to reverse a chronic disease condition it can be taken 4 drops daily AM and PM. Increase the dose by a drop each day until you reach the maximum dosage of 4:4 drops of each. The maximum dose should only be used long-term if you are working to permanently reverse a chronic disease condition, and it can be taken up to 3 times daily, (once the body has detoxified). When your immune system is balanced and strong, it is recommended to drop back to the maintenance dose of 1-2 drops daily.

Medium Breeds: 25 - 74 lbs - 1 drop Mineral Reagent +1 drop Activator in the AM and PM working up to a maximum of 10 drops a day. Increase the dose by a drop of each Reagent and Activator each day until you reach the maximum dosage of 10:10 drops over two weeks. This maximum dose should only be used long-term if you are working to permanently reverse a chronic disease condition, and it can be taken up to 3 times daily, (once the body has detoxified). When your immune system is balanced and strong, it is recommended to drop back to the maintenance dose of 3-5 drops daily.

Large & Giant breeds: (75 lbs and over) Begin with just 1 drop of Mineral Reagent + with 1 drop of Activator taken 1-2 times daily in AM and PM. Increase the dose by a drop of each day (Activator and Mineral Reagent) until you reach the maximum dosage of 14:14 drops of each in two weeks. This maximum dose should only be used long-term if you are working to permanently reverse a chronic disease condition, and it can be taken up to 3 times daily, (once the body has detoxified). When your immune system is balanced and strong, it is recommended to drop back to the maintenance dose of 4-6 drops daily.


> Use a small glass, such as a shot glass, and begin with a 5 drops of DISTILLED water, then add the drops of Reagent and Activator.

>Swirl together, then a wait 1 minutes for the chemical reaction to finish.

> Add approximately 2 tablespoons of distilled water, then mix with canned food or something you know they will eat. Baby food, ice cream, soup and feed.

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