Linda Arndt ~ Canine Nutritional Consultant

Reoccurring Ear Infections in Dogs

Chronic Canine Ear Infections

I receive many emails from people complaining of reoccurring ear infections. Owners take their dog/cat to the vet and come home with an antibiotic ear drop. For awhile the problem clears up, then it flares up within no time, then it's back to the vet for more medicine.

The problem is, this is only a temporary solution because only take care of the "secondary infection" in the ear, it does not get to the root of the problem, which is usually yeast, and it does not stop the cycle.

Most reoccurring ear infections are yeast/fungus infections, and antibiotics will not kill the yeast/fungus that live in the ear. These reoccurring problems are simply the tip of the iceberg and in order to clear them up permanently you have to address the problem by treating from inside out as well as externally.

This involves understanding yeast issues - Mini Course in Systemic Yeast, then changing the diet (info in Mini- Course) and using the Yeast Removal Kit.

In addition, most of the ear medications that are used to not touch yeasty ears and an antibiotic only makes matters worse. K9 Ear Solutions is a natural way to handle the ears, but keep in mind if you have a problem with yeast in the ears, that is only the tip of the iceberg. You have to tackle this problem internally.

To order K9 Ear Solutions -

Internal Management

The Yeast Removal Kit includes:

Tincture of Blackleaf - to kill the yeast/fungus and other potential microrganism causing the problem.

Probiotics - BakPakPlus Fortified - to restablish plenty of beneficial bacteria in the gut to crowd out the fungus/yeast.

Oxy-drops - to help keep the pH of the gut where is should be so fungus does not like to grow there.

Nzymes - a dietary enzyme that is necessary to detoxify the body after the fungus/yeast starts to die off in the body.

This kit can be purchased at or call them 877-816-6500

External Management

There is an excellent product called K9 Ear Solutions you can purchase it at

For other information of Systemic Yeast Infections look under ARTICLES at this website.

A Healthy Gut, Basis of Wellness.

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